Monday, April 28, 2008

Truth Alert: Cars are a lot easier to replace than people!

This is True in all cases except the following:

1. Elected Officials.

2. American Idols

3. Actors on the T.V. Series "Lost"

(Ok, I embelished a little on the third one.)

Think about, even the famous Knight Rider doesn't even come close! What's it worth? $500,000 (it doesn't talk to you by the way. That is an actor...please tell me you already knew that!)

1 man making $25,000 per year with no pay raises will earn:

a. $1,000,000 without any pay raises over a 40 year working life.

If you haven't figured out that you and your family members are more valuable than your car by now please search the internet for a lower level course than I am willing to provide you with.

Therefore, the part of your insurance that covers your car is the LEAST of your worries! I digress...

Comprehensive Coverage:

Also Known as "Other than collision" comes in two packages. "All-Peril" or "Stated Peril" . All peril covers everything except what it specifically excludes. Stated Peril tells you what IS covered, not what it excludes. So, get an "all-peril policy". You will thank me later.

I have seen animals destroy cars. Fire, flood, ex-wives, ex-husbands, ex-girlfriends, ex-employees, etc. This is damage that is not caused by a collision thus it is called "Other Than Collision" coverage.


Comprehensive coverage also covers your windows. If you live in an area where big semi's kick up big pieces of asphalt or rocks you want a low comprehensive deductible or a "separate" deductible for glass coverage.
Make your glass coverage deductible zero.

Comprehensive Insurance is dirt cheap with most companies and a claim against your Comprehensive Insurance will not be counted against you. Why, because the risk for the insurance company is low. Therefore they charge you a lot less.


1. 500 deductible on comp.

2. Separate glass deductible (make it low. Say $50!)

3. High Liability and UIM Coverage
because you are worth a lot more money than your car! You need to protect your income from people you hurt in an accident or that might hurt you!

4. If you make more than $60,000 you should also have an umbrella.
I will talk about this later.

In Conclusion:

1. When things break, you can throw them away and nobody notices.

2. Do it to a person and you could end up on "America's Most Wanted"

3. The best way to avoid an accident is to drive like you really care about being in one.